The Rifleman Project

Kaupapa Tītitipounamu

Restoring Nature's Harmony

Welcome to the Rifleman Project (Kaupapa Tītitipounamu)—an audacious endeavour to reclaim the wild beauty of the Dansey Road Scenic Reserve (Okoheriki) and transform it into a haven for New Zealand's native and endemic life, culminating in the translocation of Endemic species including the little Rifleman bird (Tītitipounamu).

Our Mission

At the heart of the Rifleman Project lies a bold vision: to turn back the ecological clock to pre-human existence and restore Okoheriki to its pre-human condition. We're talking rolling back the years, reversing the damage, and giving nature a fighting chance to thrive once more.

The Journey Ahead

So, what's the plan? It's simple, really (well, sort of). Step one: bid farewell to those pesky introduced pests. We're talking rats, possums, mustelids and all their furry friends. Through a combination of strategic trapping and, if we're lucky, some fancy fencing, we aim to slash pest populations to less than 2%. It's no small feat, but with your support, we know we can make it happen.

Pest Population %

Estimated pest population % using monitoring tunnels and chew cards.

Restoring the Balance

Once the pests are out of the picture (or at least on the naughty list), it's time for phase two: the grand reintroduction. Picture this: The forest alive with a cacophony of bird song, Kokako flitting through the treetops, Kiwi scuttling through the undergrowth, and Rifleman birds serenading the dawn chorus. Oh, and let's not forget about our plant friends—the endemic forest plants that provide homes and food for abundant insects and bird life. Let’s take the forest back in time, to save it for the next generation.

Join the Movement

Excited yet? We sure are! But here's the thing: we can't do this alone. The Rifleman Project is a team effort, and we need all hands on deck to help. Whether you're donating money to the cause, or simply spreading the word, your support means the world to us and helps move the forest towards the end goal.

Together, we can make a difference.

So, what do you say? Ready to roll up your sleeves and help us turn this wild dream into a reality? Join the Rifleman Project today and become part of something truly extraordinary—a journey to restore nature's harmony and create a national sanctuary for generations to come.